Episode 104 - Vickie Coleman & Allison Rainboth – Quilt Appraisers. For What It’s Worth!

Meet Our Guests
Allison Rainboth grew up in Glendale, CA, just 10 minutes from the Rose Bowl (where she learned to drive in the parking lot!). She pursued graduate studies in biology at UCLA before moving to Wisconsin in 1992. Today, she and her husband are passionate about maintaining their historic home, and she shares her space with three beloved cats.
Vickie Coleman, the oldest of three girls and an admitted Army brat, was born at Fort Benning, GA. Her childhood was filled with travel, living in Germany and attending four different high schools. She earned her undergraduate degree in textiles and clothing from the University of Tennessee and later completed a Master of Science in vocational education from the University of Kentucky. She now runs Bluegrass Quilt Appraisal, LLC in Lexington, KY, and shares her home with two tuxedo cats.
Both Vickie and Allison are accomplished quilters, educators, and passionate advocates for preserving quilt history.
Episode Highlights
(2:15) How did Vickie and Allison first learn to sew? Their stories may surprise you!
(5:52) What led them to become quilt appraisers? Allison shares her journey first.
(8:51) Thinking about becoming a quilt appraiser? Here’s what it takes.
(10:59) Why should you always look for a certified appraiser?
(12:00) The essential skills of an appraiser—hint: dedication is key!
(14:26) How did Vickie and Allison meet? It all started at the Midwest Fabric Study Group.
(14:50) What do they look for when appraising a quilt? A deep dive into the appraisal process.
(18:41) Appraisal vs. consultation—what’s the difference? Vickie explains.
(19:09) How do Vickie and Allison approach appraisals differently?
(22:56) The art and science of fabric dating—what clues do appraisers look for?
(24:41) What excites them most about quilt appraisal?
(27:14) The biggest challenges they face in their work—some may surprise you!
(29:42) Fun stories from the field: their most memorable appraisals.
(33:36) What are the most expensive quilts they’ve ever seen? Value isn’t just about money!
(38:00) A quilt with pieces dating back to the War of 1812—hear the incredible story.
(42:02) Found an old quilt? STOP storing it in a cedar chest! Here’s how to properly preserve it.
(47:20) How have quilters used their craft for secret communication? Learn about quilt histories and resources like The Quilt Index (Michigan State University) and the International Quilt Museum (Nebraska).
(52:33) What’s next for Vickie and Allison? Their quilting dreams and future projects.
(54:22) Who’s the most famous quilter today? Allison’s pick: Bisa Butler (Check out Sew & So Podcast Episode #1!).
If you know someone you think has an outstanding story – a story that should be shared on this podcast, please drop me a note to meg@sew&sewpodcast.com or complete the form on our website.
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