Episode 45: Tula Pink - Being Tula Pink

Tula Pink grew up in California, graduated from Otis College of Art and Design in Los Angeles and worked briefly as an exhibit designer for museums in SoCal. She eventually joined the music industry as an Art Director designing album covers for numerous notable artists. After about 5 years of that she left her job… and California…landing in the Midwest
Tula's main function in life is fabric design which she says she lives for. Her signature designs have been adapted to fabrics, woven ribbons, paper products, needlepoint kits, embroidery patterns and sewing machines and can be found in independent fabric shops and retailers all over the world. Tula comes from the "more is more" school of design where there is never enough space and always room for that one last thing.
Tule starts out explaining how she taught herself to sew pre-YouTube and that it was a great stroke of luck that she discovered quilting. Her encouraging parents and grandmother’s involvement were paramount in her development. Entering a quilt fabric shop for the first time she was struck by what she saw, and she knew she had found her place.
An illustrator by nature – she was brought to fabric design because she couldn’t find the fabric she wanted. She simply designed her own! Listen to why she’s grateful that she didn’t come to this in the digital and tech age. Also learn why she “lives” for design.
Tula’s dark sense of humor has carried far – hear her explain this and share how and where she hides animals in her designs. Her style has also been described as “moderntional” – learn what this means! Additionally - her quilts look different in color and in black and white. Learn how to see them in two different ways.
She sees her job as serving the community she created. She doesn’t simply follow her own whims…she creates fabric that people use to create their creative potential. The “paint” that people use to create their vision. She in essence, works for them. Tula explains why she feels this way. Her passion for her work and the joy she feels in collaboration with others is notable.
In the course of the conversation, Tula talks about her belief in the commercialization of art and its democratization. She sees the magic in access for all. And…for her, the work she does is all about the interaction!
A history buff who loves to read all she can about famous women in history – Marie Antionette, Queen Elizabeth, etc. Listen to this fascination and how their stories affect her work. She talks about one of her first fabric collections that pays homage to Queen Elizabeth I. And, as a bonus…hear what she thinks her biography would say about her!
Tula Pink is a family business, and her brother Cameron works with her doing all the online work. Her mom also owns IHeartTulaPink. She explains the family dynamics and what things look like for them day-to-day. She points out that there was great evolution and change moving from California to the Midwest as a family in businessand she’ll share their secret ingredient for success in working together. She points out that an “insane” number of businesses in this industry are family businesses which is super interesting to her.
Tula tells us what it means to be a BERNINA Ambassador, what it means to her, and how it changed the way she works. How many BERNINA machines has she designed for them and how many does she own?! Listen to find out!
Tula was credited by Kaffe Fassett in a previous Sew & So Podcast, as being the spark that led to his relationship with BERNINA. She tells us how they met, how he inspires and influences her, and the importance of their friendship.
You won’t want to miss her talking about what’s next for her and her ultimate dream…so much to look forward to. What didn’t we ask that she wanted to talk about?! Listen to her closing comments to find out!
What to reach out to Tula? You can do so through social media…Instagram (tulapink) and Facebook (Tula Pink) and be sure to tell her you heard her story on Sew & So!
If you know someone who has an outstanding story that should be shared on this podcast, or what to comment or just say hello - drop Meg a note to Meg@sewandsopodcast.com or complete the form on our website.
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