Episode 54: Sarah Joiner - Make What You Want!!

Sarah Joiner a sewist, knitter, blogger at The Lilac Elk and teacher from Pennsylvania, is passionate about teaching others to sew garments and holds a variety of virtual sewing classes to empower others to make a wardrobe they love. Her blog, The started as an Etsy shop and evolved into an Instagram community where she shares her handmade wardrobe journey and other projects along the way. Sarah has a PhD in Chemistry from the University of New Hampshire and makes her home near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania with her spouse, Mark.
(2:00 – 6:35) She begins the conversation explaining that she learned to sew with her grandmother’s basement sewing machine, using fabric from her grandma’s (who she never met) magical craft cupboard. This cupboard held all of her deceased grandmother’s scraps, thread etc. and inspired her with her grandmother’s spiritual presence. In high school she wanted to learn to sew clothes and created her first 1950’s style dress. She’s always been drawn to vintage silhouettes creating her first design from a princess/full skirted pattern.
(7:25 –11:19) She explains why she named her blog the Lilac Elk. In September of 2018, Sarah learned to knit and tells us why and how. Then, she practiced and created her first sweater…then she dove right in and created The Beauty School Top from Poison Grrls knowing nothing about how to buy yarn and needles…with the help of You Tube.
(12:07 - 15:05) She tells us the definition of a “frog” pile, and why it’s important. “Vintage Inspired” is her named style…she explains why and how Audrey Hepburn and Elizabeth Taylor inspire her creations.
(15:35 – 18:28) Sarah shares with us what it took for her to move to 100% online teaching when the pandemic hit after building a large successful in-person following at Pintuck and Purl. Starting with a beginner sewing class that was a hit, she not only taught sewing, but began to build a large, vibrant on-line community. She shares why online is a little challenging and how she addresses that. Also, what the real plusses are of online sewing classes.
(18:30 – 19:58) Sarah fondly talks about the community that grew during the pandemic and how she’s still in shock that people still want to learn from her. Her students in her very first class are still with her and though she’s not met them in person, they’ve become a part of each other’s sewing family.
(21:10 – 24:30) Sarah takes us through how she grew her passion for teaching and why she chose this vocation over being a flight attendant. Sarah, who also teaches chemistry at the collegiate level, explain the similarity between sewing and chemistry.
(24:38 –30:02) She tells us how she curates her personal wardrobe with trial and error or sewing exploration being the driving force. She opens up about her streak of misses and how they influenced her successes. She also counsels to make what you want, no matter what people says.
(30:07 -32:42) Sarah wraps up this episode speaking about her dreams, plans for the future, and asking the question she wished we had asked!
You can reach out to Sarah on Instagram @TheLilacElk, TheLilacElk.com and she teaches all classes through PintuckandPurl.com
If you know someone who has an outstanding story that should be shared on this podcast, drop Meg a note to Meg@sewandsopodcast.com or complete the form on our website.