Episode 76 - Yvette Todd - It Began with Rat Hammocks

Yvette Todd’s creation Stash Hub is only one year old, but it’s already made bold strides in helping sewists organize their fabric, patterns, and plan sewing projects.
Only sewing since 2020, Yvette grew up in Portsmouth England. She attended the University of Bath where she met her husband…a union that proved essential to the creation and success of the Stash Hub App.
(1:59) Yvette shares stories of her childhood and how these experiences led to where she is today.
(4:00) As Yvette began her sewing journey her projects became more frequent and more complex. There was no one in her family that actually sewed so her inspiration came from within!
(5:25) Prior to founding Stash Hub…her studies focused on Biochemistry. Her husband Doug was a biochemist as well.
(6:17) So, how did she come up with the idea for Stash Hub? She tells us here.
(7:58) Her mission is to help sewists fall back in love with their fabric stashes. She explains why managing fabric inventory is a universal challenge.
(9:33) So what does she recommend for sewists who come home with arm loads of emotional fabric purchases? She offers advice here!
(12:08) Yvette works with her husband Doug in this venture…she talks about how this works and is working.
(13:35) Celebrating 1 year the app has gone through multiple iterations. She talks about this evolution.
(15:12) Hosting “Stash Chats” online, Yvette has shared numerous experiences with participants. She shares several stories with us.
(17:00) Does Yvette share life experiences with others in the sewing community? Well, there’s Natalie…
(18:12) She goes in depth about those members of her community and why this is so very important to her. Especially when she sewed through her finger!
(20:16) Yvette share’s information about Mel’s Refugees and how sewists can de-stash their fabric and donate items to this organization.
(21:20) Yvette loves to talk about sewing. She explains this passion.
(24:03) And…what’s next for her? She also shares her crazy dream based on the TV show The Home Medic. Listen to what she hopes for and it’s something you can help her with!
(25:46) Was there a question we didn’t ask? Well, yes actually there was…she explains here.
(27:11) To contact Yvette, @stash_hub, hello@stashhubapp.com and stashhubclub on Facebook.
If you know someone who has an outstanding story that should be shared on this podcast, drop Meg a note to Meg@sewandsopodcast.com or complete the form on our website.