Episode 18: Amanda Carita

Amanda Carita began her sewing adventures at age 5 on her grandmother’s hand crank sewing machine and although she prefers the modern technology of her BERNINA 850, she still has her grandmother’s machine. She talks about her those early years; her family’s history in textiles, and what it was like growing up with four generations of women in the same house, and how it created such a strong bond between them. She shares a similar bond with her current sewing community.
Amanda talks about going to LA with both her sewist friends and by herself in search of fabrics. She’d find a couple yards of this fabric or a couple yards of another, but never enough for what she needed. Then she’d find patterns she liked, but she didn’t like the fabric they were printed on. Not one to give up, Amanda was determined to find a way to get what she wanted. And thus, So Sew English was borne. Today, she has fabric sources and printers in multiple countries as well as talented designers she can rely on. “I come up with the ideas for prints on the fabric and then I find the right people who can bring it to life.” (6:00‐10:53)
When asked about sewing every day her response is delightful. “I regularly get up and sew what I’m going to wear that day… I’ll come down and make myself a cup of tea, and make myself a top while I’m drinking my tea… I don’t like to have idle hands.”
For Amanda, there’s no such thing as a typical day. After sharing some wonderful examples of her daily adventures and demands, she ends with, “There’s never a dull moment. I love the fact that every day is different. I love flying by the seat of my pants.” (15:49‐17:36)
Another thing she loves is her community of sewists. As she talks about how it’s grown and evolved, there’s a sense of pride in her voice. The community and her company embody her love of sewing. “Sewing is healing. Just being able to pull out your machine can be very tranquil, and a time for reflection or letting the mind wander. Mentally, it’s great. It keeps you on your toes.” (20:12 ‐24:25) In listening to Amanda’s story unfold, it’s evident that she has no intention of stopping anytime soon.
If you’d like to reach out to Amanda after listening to her uplifting podcast, you can reach her at sosewenglish.com, and her Facebook page.